Thursday 18 September 2008

Avenida 12 de Octubre- Quito, Ecuador

One of the main things that has struck me about Ecuador is how passionate people are about the politics. At the weekend the population will vote Si or No for the New Constitution, and I haven´t met anyone here who hasn´t read the Constitution in full or in part. Even I have read it after being here for a month; it´s so widely referenced and talked about that I was genuinely interested. I must admit that I am a bit apathetic back in England, as a lot of people are. Being here has made me wonder why that is, and I think that one reason is that day to day life here isn´t as comfortable for most people and so
the need for change is more obviously on the surface; young children still work in the streets shining the shoes of businessmen for 25 cents; disabled people beg in the roads with few rights or means of support.
The president Rafael Correa has had a bit of a marmite affect;in the family I´m staying with alone there is a strong divide between loving him and hating him. 95% of the people here
claim to be Catholic; and religion is another thing that people here take really seriously. I have a big
Jesus on the cross above my bed, and my bedside lamp is a porcelain statuette of two children praying!
With liberal articles like legalising gay marriage and pro choice abortion laws a large portion of the country is outraged, some chaining themselves to crosses in front of churches and such in Guayaquil.
I can´t help but think though that those who claim to be protesting for the rights of children by contesting the pro-choice law might better spend their energy helping the kids who are already here and not having a great chance at life.
Grafitti calling for Si is all over the city, and stern- faced men in smart clothes wave giant ´No´flags at the main intersections. Bars and night-clubs are closed this weekend, and you can´t buy alcohol in the shops because the country is taking the vote so seriously.
I´m really interested to see what the outcome is next week. From what I´ve read I´m personally hoping for Si!

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